Monday, November 12, 2012

Watch November 12th 2012 Show

Dr Shaista Wahidi
Guest List:
Kitchen Ki Malika & Badshah Special
Dr Shaista Wahidi

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:



Anonymous said...

Kindly learn to host. In your attempt to look cool, you really go overboard and send the wrong message. If all girls and women started behaving the way you do in your aired shows, what will happen to society? It's good to be humble and give others respect, its not always about you and how cool/modern you are. Please air shows that send a good message to society and correct issues that befall the nation...e.g. our obsession with white skin? Are brown women not acceptable? Our obsession with looking like models? Are larger size women not acceptable? Many can't get married because of this nonsense that is wrongly promoted in our're going overboard!

Mature Escorts Bakersfield said...

I'm looking forward to watching this special.

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